Thursday 15 June 2023
TIP report shows systemic deficiencies in combatting human trafficking remain
Today (15 June) the US Department of State has released its 2023 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report. Ireland has been placed on Tier 2, the same as in 2022.
While some limited progress has been made Ireland continues to be in the category of Countries whose governments do not fully meet the TVPA’s minimum standards.
Edel McGinley, Director of MRCI said, ‘Progress on human trafficking in the State is too slow. We continue to wait for new NRM legislation to be completed. Victim identification remains extremely low. Convictions and prosecutions are also extremely low, with absolutely none for trafficking for labour exploitation’.
She continued, ‘There is no reason why Ireland should not be on Tier 1. We need an effective National Referral Mechanism (NRM) urgently. In particular, incoming legislation for a new NRM* must include the rights and entitlements of victims, such as a secure immigration status, so that people feel supported and protected to come forward and report this terrible crime’.
The Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) has been working with victims of trafficking for labour exploitation for almost two decades and is a National Assessment Centre. To date, it has assisted over 270 people where labour trafficking was suspected, in sectors such as domestic work, agriculture, circus, car washes, and restaurants.
Edel McGinley – 087 748 5695
Neil Bruton – 083 426 0081